Welcome to the Sheffield PA Champion Project, a 12 month project commissioned by Sheffield City Council in 2024.
You can have a look at the latest vacancies and create your own profile here: Make A Connection | Sheffield PA Register
The goal of the PA champions is to raise awareness about direct payments within the city, with a particular focus on Personal Assistants. Over 12 months, the PA Champions will increase the number of people aware of this unique role, thereby increasing the choice and quality of candidates available to Sheffield Citizens. We are also committed to building a comprehensive peer support network to support PA’s working locally.
Sheffield Council is committed to Personalisation and the use of Direct Payments. Their strategy document states:
“The Personalisation and Direct Payments Strategy ensures that we put people first so that the citizens of Sheffield are empowered to take control and self-direct their own care and support; as a result, citizens will achieve the outcomes that they choose and live the life they want to live.”
The project is hosted by Embrace, an organisation with significant experience and knowledge in this area. Embrace and Sheffield Council are committed to services being designed, led, and delivered by people with lived experience. Therefore, we are searching for Sheffield Citizens who share our belief that directing your own care and support helps people to live the life they want to live, to help us deliver this project and be part of our co production group.